How To Create A Website With A Reasonable Budget
All things digital Websites

How to create a website with a reasonable budget

Building a website isn’t as expensive as it used to be. There are many affordable options out there. DIY website builders, eager freelancers that just want to get into the game or that family member friend that has someone who knows how to create a website. The possibilities are endless.

How do you know which of these options are what you need?

DIY website builders

The list of these DIY website builds keeps on growing every day. Most of them offer similar functionalities. Choose a template – update your copy and then push to live. Simple ha?!

If you are creative and want a challenge this is it – no need to worry about website hosting – all is provided to you. Select your package and wallah it’s done.


If you don’t want a challenge or you desire a more sophisticated website but don’t have the budget to engage with a website development company, freelancers are the way to go. There are plenty of hungry website designers and developers out there that are looking for work all over the world.

How do you find one? There are many online professional marketplaces out there. Lots of variety and talent to choose from.

Some of these sites allow you to post what you need and at what cost. So it can meet your budget.

That family member or friend

Everyone has someone in their circle that can or wants to help you set your website. A family member, a friend or someone’s kid that has great computer skills. Did you know that website coding is taught in elementary school?

If all you need is something simple and you have not time to do it yourself and you’re low on cash, its ok to start small and grow later.

Use your inner circle and network, and don’t forget to return the favour when the tables are turned.